Ceramico introduces himself. 🙂 The versatile ceramic grater, which was designed in Finland and is still handmade in several locations in Europe. In the coming weeks and months we will present the functional and colorful grater bowl with all its facets. Stay tuned! 🤗🤗⠀ ⠀ At the start of 2020 we wish you good health, happiness and success, as well as good food at all times. 😋 🍾 🥂⠀
⠀ #ceramicgrater #ceramico #anckeramic #garlicgrater #handmade #potteryforall #handmadeceramics⠀ #ceramics #modernceramics #gingergrater #madeinfinland #madeineurope #handmadecrafts #handmadegoods #handmadegift #inmykitchen #céramique #kitchentools #kitchentool #keramikreibe #gemüsereibe #käsereibe #handgemacht #handarbeit #besonderegeschenke ⠀ sunstainablegifts #handmadewithlove #organiccooking #NewYearsDay #neujahr⠀
ginger grater, ceramico finland, ceramic grater, nutmeg grater, ginger grater, garlic grater, parmesan grater, nut grater, nutmeg grater, versatile grater, chocolate grater, kids grater, lemon zest grater, spice grater, turmeric grater, apple grater, everything grater, best Grater, dishwasher, finger-friendly grater, fun cooking, cook meetings, COOKING RENDEZVOUS